Friday, March 26, 2010

Red Shirt Rally Day 15: A Bomb Scare

We had a bomb scare this afternoon at Piyarom.

I saw two policemen casually walking towards the entrance from the lobby, just as I was going up to the Fitness Pavilion at 5:30 this afternoon. They didn't look anxious.  I shrugged it off and forgot about it as I went to do my workout. After all, it's more important to tone up the flabby bits. 

We had dinner at Yentafo in the club's shopping mall. Tried to go vegetarian--it's Lent, after all. And I only ate 1/3 cup of rice. I felt dessert was due and shared iteem boran  with Andy and AJ. This is "old-fashioned ice cream" or coconut ice cream on a sweet bun with sticky rice, peanuts, red beans, and toddy palm seeds. Afterwards, AJ and I went to Tops Supermarket to pick up some groceries and Andy went to the motor show. Religion and capitalism. Two mutually exclusive ideas though a lot of capital was made in the promotion of religion. However, politics is another flashpoint in these parts.

Andy called and said there was a bomb scare at the club.  As AJ and I drove out of the parking lot we saw two police pickup trucks parked out front that weren't there before. One of them said "bomb squad"--in Thai, so it was just as well I couldn't read it.

Andy said he had asked what it was all about. After all,  security around the club is decent. The club uses a fingerprint identification system for members, and to get into the club compound, cars have to pass through security at the gate. Andy said the club had received a bomb threat via e-mail. Can't be too serious, right? Must be a prank, right?

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